This seems like the perfect week to introduce David Shannon’s Too Many Toys. Spencer has too many toys. He gets toys from Grandma and Grandpa, aunts and uncles and cousins, he got toys for his birthday and at birthday parties, at the drive-thru and even at the dentist. Sound familiar? Mom is fed up with Spencer’s toys strewn everywhere and tells him he needs to downsize. “A CATASTROPHE!” He loves all his toys so Mom helps him. They negotiate over almost every toy except for a misspoken pirate who turns out to be Dad’s toy. Finally all the toys have been sorted into keep or give away piles. The give-away toys are boxed up and Mom goes to have a well-earned cup of tea and a short rest. She returns to find a big messy pile of toys on the floor. Spencer agrees that he has too many toys but he says the box makes the best toy ever.
David Shannon’s artwork adds to the text. There is a wonderful drawing of Spencer’s Dad stepping on a Lego with wildly dramatic exaggeration in a way that many kids see adults (much ado about nothing).
The Yulupa Library has 3 copies and the Sonoma County Library has many copies of this book.