Monday, January 20, 2014


Journey is Aaron Becker’s first book. A former concept designer for movie studios,  Aaron Becker decided to do what he had been thinking about for a very long time: create a children’s book. There are no words in Journey but the story is rich and detailed. Our protagonist has no name. Everyone in her house is busy (in ways, that I fear, are all to common in 21st century households). She is bored. Looking around her room, she spies a red marker, picks it up and draws a red door on her bedroom wall. Marker in hand, she opens the door and enters a fantasy world. She comes to a stream and uses her red marker to draw herself a boat. It carries her into a medieval city with elevated waterways. To save herself from going over a waterfall, she draws herself a hot air balloon. Her flight takes her to a flying ship and danger. Will she be able to find her way home and perhaps find a friend at the end of her journey?

The detailed artwork is done in pen and ink and watercolor. My best guess is that this book has the best chance to be the Caldecott medal winner. We’ll see on January 27th.


The Sonoma County Library has several copies of Journey

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